Joy360 Wellness. A Joyful approach to mental health




Spreading Joy & Nourishment one plate, one session, one breath, and one smile at a time.

Welcome to Joy360!

Nutrition + Lifestyle + Holistic wellness support to promote healing for the body, mind, and soul!

โ€œHey there, Beautiful Souls!

Life can be a bit of a mess sometimes, but Iโ€™m here to help you find the happy moments and feel peace even in the midst of the messy, beautiful chaos.

Struggling with infertility, IBS, or GERD is not for the faint of heart. Trying to navigate these concerns alone or figuring out the best steps to address these struggles or heal your body image or relationship with food can feel so confusing and even isolating at times.

If you are looking for a safe place, a friendly smile, a listening ear, and a well-rounded and highly experienced wellness consultant to help you meet your wellness goals, you have come to the right place! No strict diets over here! I believe in gentle nutrition and using other integrative practices such as sound healing, meditation, Art, and process painting to heal your body and release emotional, mental, and spiritual blocks you may not even know have been contributing to your symptoms.

At the end of the day, I am a JOY and HOPE dealer, and spreading wellness is my JAM! I was once just a therapist, but now Iโ€™m a Holistic Wellness Consultant, trained in multiple modalities, including nutrition, process painting, yoga, sound healing, and more. So, if you are finally ready to jump in and explore all the AMAZING ways to feel better and nourish your whole being... Then, I am ready to support you every step of the way and let you know that itโ€™s okay to have hard days, to make mistakes, and to remind you that even small wins are a big deal.

Welcome to a new part of your journey. Letโ€™s make it amazing together. Holla at your girl!โ€
— Jaryn Warren-Brown, MS, PhD Candidate


  • Sound Healing

  • Holistic Wellness Coaching

  • Nutrition

  • Process Painting

Meet Your Holistic Wellness Consultant

Jaryn Warren-Brown, MS, PhD Candidate

Body Image, Mindful Eating, and Stress Management Coach, Functional Nutritionist, Sound Healer, Pre-Conception + Fertily Doula, Expressive Arts Facilitator

Get started with Joy360 Wellness, today.